


On Saturday April 4 I logged on to, and I sign in to sermon under movies to listened to Dr. Tunde Bakare preaching about 'Locate your space' in his message he did mention of Susan Boyle, he said that Susan Boyle is not an established singer, she does not have an album of her own, and does not moves around with the renown musician in the city, but there there is a competition that was going on in Britain called Britain's got talent, here comes 48 year old woman, H** looking, not well dressed, her hair was flying, she was unkempt,... '

Its here that I told myself Please Bakare hold on let me check it my self, i opened before I could even insert the word SUSAN, Boyle was already there, I pressed Enter I read on her profile on (, still not convinced with what i read... I visited I type in Susan Boyle,( what I saw here was not different from what Dr. Bakare was saying. Every one was laughing on her when She came out, but after She finished singing Oh MY GOD everybody was triggered by the contrast between her powerful voice and her plain appearance on stage I mean there was an electric standing Ovation after she finished singing... I could not cry when one the Judge said 'with a big doubt that was the biggest surprise i have had in three years on this show...' and when all the Judges said a BIG YES for her to enter the next stage of the competition...OMG. These are Judges that never had regards to anybody.

Hear this; I normally rate a video in with the total number of view of that particular video, I mean Susan Boyle video on this competition is being watched 203,321,910 views... just click here you will see what am talking about..., hear about her; (To date, her audition video has been viewed on the internet over 347 million times. Despite the sustained media interest she later finished in second place in the final of the show behind dance troupe Diversity.) as a matter of fact Obama has invited her to White House, and has gotten plenty recording contract. this is unmarried, and jobless woman BEFORE.OMG You can read about her and her story on


What I want you to know today is that the World is waiting for your God's given potential to manifest so that the world will celebrate with you. JUST BELIEVE IN YOUR SELF AND PLEASE LETS WAKE UP OUR GOD'S GIVEN POTENTIAL FOR THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR IT.... AM MOTIVATED.....What About You?


"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
- James Allen

Would you agree with the statement that a dream is born from and idea, a simple idea conceived in the mind?

Back in the 19th century two brothers had an idea which eventually became their passionate and consuming dream. Their relentless pursuit of that dream was rewarded with an accomplishment that changed world travel.

On Friday, December 17, 1903 at 10:35 am, the Wright brothers (Wilber and Orville) achieved their dream. They flew "the world's first power-driven, heavier-than-air machine in which man made free, controlled, and sustained flight." This memorable feat took place at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on a cold windy morning.

The dream started with an idea that was planted in their minds by a toy given to them by their father. In the words of the boys, "Late in the autumn of 1878, our father came into the house one evening with some object partly concealed in his hands, and before we could see what it was, he tossed it into the air. Instead of falling to the floor, as we expected, it flew across the room till it struck the ceiling, where it fluttered awhile, and finally sank to the floor." This simple toy made of bamboo, cork and stretched rubber bands, fascinated the Wright brothers and sparked their lifelong interest in human flight.

The Wright brothers were great thinkers. They enjoyed learning new things. Initially, they recycled broken parts, built a printing press and opened their own printing office. Their interest moved to bicycles and in 1893, they opened the Wright Cycle Company where they sold and repaired bicycles.

But Wilbur (the older brother) had his mind set on something more exciting. He decided to seriously pursue flying.

The brothers spent many hours researching, testing their machines and making improvements after unsuccessful attempts at human flight. What started out as a hobby soon became a passion. With determination and patience they realized their dream in 1903.

The next time you hear or see an airplane or travel on one, remember where it all started. A simply idea conceived in the minds of two young men who did not finish high school. Believe it or not, they did not have a University degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or any other subject. They were not scientists in the true sense of the word.

In fact, many of their peers who did not witness their accomplishment, had trouble believing that two bicycle mechanics from Dayton, Ohio did what they claimed.

What idea or ideas are YOU working on? Have you said you can't do this or that because you are not a scientist? Have you limited yourself by saying you are not smart enough? Or have you joined the majority in saying that everything has already been invented or discovered?

Since the introduction of the first generation of personal computers in 1981, we are able to do many things more efficiently. With a super computer between your ears and the personal computer at your finger tips, your dream can be achieved. First, give birth to that dream with an idea. A simple idea that ANYONE of us can conceive.

Thanks for your Time, I hope you're motivated.

Obstacle is the mother of every opportunity, what differentiate obstacle from opportunity is our attitude towards them, every opportunity has a difficulties and every difficulties has an opportunity, Lou Holtz opine “Show me someone who has done worthwhile and I will show you someone who has overcome adversity” I want you to know that, no one is exempt from life difficulties and challenges, a path without an obstacle will absolutely lead to nowhere, let each obstacle spur you to a greater height cos know obstacle will leave you the way they found you, they either make you better or worse, they either subdue you or you rise above
How do you see your problem, do you see it as a solvable or unsolvable one, do you see it has permanent or temporary one, it is your perception and your respond to those problem not the problem itself will determine either you are going to overcome them or they are going to overcome you, think about that.
Let look a story in a bible, a story of a giant goliath who was trying to confront and intimidate the armies of Israel including David, the multitude and David brother chose to do nothing but David did, that was the different, I want you to know that the way we see the obstacle in our life makes all the different
Let me share with you a story told by John C Maxwell, a story of a young woman who was complain to her father about her problem and how difficulties her life was , come with me “he said I want to show you something ,he took her to the kitchen where he put three pot of water on a stove to heat, he cutup some carrots and put it into the first pot to boil, in the second pot he put two eggs and in the third pot he poured some ground coffee then he place them before his daughter. What is this suppose to mean, she asked
Each of this item can teach us about the way we handle adversity , he said “the carrot stated out hard but the boiling water turn them mushy, the egg went into the water fragile but came out hard and rubbery, the coffee on the other hands change the water into something better,” Sweet heart” he said you can chose how you will respond to your problems, you can let them make you weak, you can let them make you hard or you can use them to create something beneficial , it up to you” .
“Every man is questioned by life and to life he can answer by answering his own life and to his own life he can answer by being responsible” I want you to know that responsibility is a combination of two words response and ability, ability to responds to what ever thing that happen in your life in spite the condition of your life, or type of the circumstances that you found your self, I agree with Stephen R Covey who says “ Between respond and stimulus there is a space, in this space lies our freedom and power to choose our respond and in those choice lies our growth and happiness” it is not what happen to us that separate success from failure, but our perception to what happen to us and what we do about it, the choice is yours, for you to move from where you are to where you want to be you must take a full responsibility and a proactive decision about your life, it is in the moment of your decision that your destiny is shape, stop looking outside of your life why you don’t create the life of your dream, don’t be among of people that blame there parent, circumstances, there boss, the condition of there life, weather, why they don’t create the result they want for there life, start looking inside of your life, for you to turn your life around, for you to live the life of your dream for you to create the result that you want for your life, you must take a 100% responsibility for your life. Let me tell you a formula for responsibility “ R + E = O, R represent respond, E represent event and O represent output” every output that you are experiencing now is a result of how you had respond to the event of your life, it is a tragedy that many people respond to the event of there life in the same way yet they are expecting different result, somebody says “It is a sign of insanity when you do the same thing and expecting different result” if you want to experience different output or result you must do different thing, it is when you do different thing that you will get different result, ask your self, how have I been responding to the event of my life, what can I do to change the situation, don’t complain, complaining is like explaining your pain to know solution, you only complain about things that are in your control, think about that…. Change the way you see the event of your life, the way you think about the event of your life and the way you respond to the event of your life and your life will change. Remember that you have received the freedom and power to make a choice from God but it up to you to utilize it.
Thank you for reading this message written by Akintilebo B. Akinola... You can read more on this by clicking HERE
“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor” HENRY DAVID THEOREAU

If it’s in the moment of our decision that our destiny is shape, why is it that a lot of people in life are indecisive? I want you to know that every day you make a choice and the quality of your life at this very moment is a result of your decision, the number one reason why a lot of people are indecisive is because they haven’t UNDERTAND THERE TRUE LIFE PURPOSE, I agree with Albert E.N Gray who spent a lifetime trying to discover the common dominator of success. Finally he came to the simple but profound realization that “Successful people have the habit of doing the things that failure don’t like to do. They don’t like doing them either necessary. But there disliking is subordinate to the strength of there purpose” I want you to know that the strength of your purpose is what will determine your decision, an indecisive life is exactly a life without a purpose which is like a goat driven by the treat of life, When you put food in your left side and money in your right side, Goat will come where food is, shout at the goat, it will change its direction toward where cloth is. If you don’t know where you are going in life any road will take you there, think about that.
The number two reason why some people are indecisive is because of there BELIEF, and our belief is the foundation upon which our entire life is resting, what type of belief are you dwelling in, is it an empowering or disempowering belief, Andre Gida says “ The belief that becomes truth for me ….. Is that which allows me the best us of my strength, the best means of putting my virtues into action” at the junction of our decision, there is something that will hold us back, or get us ahead and that thing lies in our BELIEF, belief is the strength of Helen Keller, a blind and deaf woman, who make her life to be significant in spit her circumstances. So what is your excuse? Take a proactive decision day and make your life to be count……… Visit our discussion board to read the rest of our message

Thank you for reading this message written by Akintilebo B. Akinola... You can read more on this by clicking HERE
From our tender age our parents or guardian tells us to be ourselves,to behave in rights and respect elder people. As we grow things change and we see things differently. Is this what self-disclipline mean? The most renowed defintion of self-diclipline: refers to the training that one gives one's self to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a particular pattern of behavior. From the definition it can be seen that it has to do with oneself. Now the question is: is it a core of success? The answer is yes because it is more Important for Success than IQ.In its most general sense, discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a disciple. To discipline thus means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct "order." Usually, the phrase 'to discipline' carries a negative connotation. This is because enforcement of order - that is, ensuring instructions are carried out - is oft "Discipline is the instant willingness and obedience to all orders, respect for authority, self reliance and teamwork. The ability to do the right thing even when no one is watching or suffer the consequences of guilt which produces pain in our bodies, through pain comes discipline.

To discipline thus means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct or "order." In the field of child development, discipline refers to methods of modeling character and of teaching self-control and acceptable behavior (e.g teaching a child to wash her/his hands before meals). Here, 'washing hands before meals' is a particular pattern of behaviour, and the child is being disciplined to adopt that pattern. 'To disciple' also gives rise to the word disciplinarian, which denotes a person who enforces order.

However, usually the phrase 'to discipline' carries a negative connotation. This is because of the need to maintain order - that is, ensuring instructions are carried out. Order is often regulated through punishment.

To be disciplined is then, subject to context, either a virtue (the ability to follow instructions well) or a euphemism for punishment (which may also be referred to as disciplinary procedure). As a concrete noun, the discipline refers to an instrument of punishment, for example in mortification of the flesh (see also: flagellation). Such an instrument may also be applied to oneself, for example in penitence for not being sufficiently self-disciplined.

An academic discipline refers to a body of knowledge that is being given to - or has been received by - a disciple. The term may then denotes a 'sphere of knowledge' that an individual has chosen to specialise in. In an institute of higher learning, the term 'discipline' is often a synonym of 'faculty'.Fine arts program linked to core curriculum success and imaginative reasoning skills and it teaches self-discipline and patience and al great leaders are self disciplined. Self discipline is like a horse inside us, and people looks for discipline in the core foundation of their leadership, boosts confidence, increases self-esteem and results in improved performance. View self-discipline as positive effort, rather than one of denial. You first develop a habit, then the habit does the job for you.When you first begin your work day, or going to work take a few minutes and write down on what u want to accomplish for the day...

Read Other Interesting Post on  Creative Minds and Trendsetters


What do you call it? Thats How I know it. Why Dont you read the Instruction Before you even think of answering any Question? My Mum will always asked me... Because the answers were very simple,Mum!. I replied boldly. Guess what, I failed my best subject (mathematics) that term...Hmm... It was so sad.

Do you read Instructions before you try attempting those questions during your exams? Its the same thing or there is no need... you might think... AM saying NO to it. Hear the story of my Uncle.

My Uncle participated a seminar organized for them by the company he is working with. They were fortunate to have an American as the Guest Speaker who lecture on this great topic 'INSTRUCTION' According to him(my Uncle) they enjoyed the seminar not until when the guest speaker said he has a 2min test to give them and that who ever passed the test will be given scholarship to do either his Masters or Phd or equivalent Abroad. Upon hearing this everyone (about 15) of them were ready to grab the LIFE time Opportunity.

All of them were ever ready, the test paper was given to them and were given two minutes for the ten questions test with 15 (fifteen)  INSTRUCTIONS on the test papers.

According to my Uncle All the 15 of them failed the test, WHY? You may asked. Its was because none of them could read the last Instruction before answering the question.

Here is example of the Instructions...
1. Make Sure You Use a biro ball point pen to answer the questions given below in the answer paper
2. Ensure you erase every mistake you made neatly.
3.) - 14) Other Instructions with others Different Instructions and

After all the questions were so cheap, like who is the president of Nigeria? Where is the capital of Nigeria? How many States are in Nigeria?...Blablabla... (I trust my Uncle, He might have finish it within 3 seconds lol...)

Sadly None of them passed the exams, all of them were rushing beat the time but didnt read the last INSTRUCTION.

Thats why He has been drawing my ears before i could leave for any exams... Instructionz first...

So there is a little portion(ROM- Read Only Memory- You cant Delete it) of my Brain that carries this little Phrase permanently "INSTRUCTIONS FIRST AND ENSURE YOU READ TO THE LAST''

Hope you've learned a lesson Today! or What Do you Think... Or my Uncle are F**l..Lol Please let me know what you think for 'A problem shared is a problem Half solved'


We all have personal goals and if you are having problem keeping up with or achieving your personal goals, consider following the four steps as follows which can help you achieve your personal goals.

Step 1: Have a very certain and clear personal goal

Don’t set a general goal but have a specific about what you want to achieve. Imagine clearly in your mind what you want and make a step by step action plan to achieve it. Understand clearly why you want what you want and remember it as a motivating factor to keep you going.

Step 2: Don’t force yourself to achieve your personal goals

Whatever personal goals you make, start with something that you can achieve easily and move on to something much bigger or harder to achieve. For example, if you want to loose 50 pound of your weight, don’t try to loose it all at once, because you know that is impossible. Many people are looking for instant way out which is really an illusion. Nothing comes easy or free without efforts. Try loosing 1 pound a week, which is very achievable. At the end of the year, you are more likely to have loss all of your 50 pounds of weight.

Step 3: Have self discipline to achieve your personal goals

This is the most important step. Without self discipline you cannot achieve your personal goals. Nobody can teach you self discipline. It is something that you just have to do. Self discipline means, not being lazy and having the courage and will power to persist and do what it takes to achieve your personal goals. It is the will to do those step by step action plans you have made. If you want something so much, you have got to do everything you can to have it.

Step 4: Practice and don’t give up easily on your personal goals

What I mean by practice is, we are imperfect in this human consciousness. Once in awhile, we all make mistakes and do give up on our personal goals. We may fail to do what we are suppose to do, but that should not hinder us from continuing to do what we planned to do and achieve our personal goals. Practice gives habits. When you spend enough of time doing something over and over again, it becomes a natural trait. It becomes a habitual factor. The next thing you know, you will be doing what you are suppose to do naturally.

In a nutshell: with a clearly defined personal goal in mind with proper step by step action plans, you can have a direction to achieve your personal goals easily and when you feel like giving up, taking the self responsibility to have the self discipline to do what it takes ensures you actually achieve your personal goals.

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